Sarsfield Consultancy Group
Medical, Legal, Educational, Agricultural, Professional And Workplace Consultancy
What We Do
Sarsfield Ethics Consultancy believes that our physical, social and spiritual ecology is sensitive and complex. Historically reductive approaches to moral problems often fail, particularly as an ever changing society becomes more diverse. How should we frame and deliberate complex moral problems? Madeleine Suttie of Sarsfield Ethics Consultancy has been a world leader in how people process difficult moral problems. Investigating what kinds of moral interests and arguments work in social discourse and then asking how can they be used to protect the morally vulnerable and disenfranchised rather than merely recapitulate and entrench hierarchies of power.

The Proper Lookout Podcast
#134 – Borderline Personality Disorders
Most claims managers have probably experienced Claimants who demonstrate obsessive personality traits in the context of the management of their claim.
In this episode, Principal Peter Hunt discusses Borderline Personality Disorders with Associate Professor Joseph Suttie and how they might impact the claims experience.
Peter Hunt
T: +61 2 9261 1211

Associate Professor
Joseph Suttie
Director of Medical Education. MBBS BSc(Med) Hons(I) LLB (UNSW) MBioeth (Mon) DPhil (Oxon) FRACP FCSANZ
The Proper Lookout Podcast
#133 – Artificial Intelligence & Autonomous Vehicles
What happens if an autonomous vehicle thinks a tree blowing in the wind is a pedestrian about to run across the road?
How might the autonomous vehicle behave when it perceives this “danger”?
In this episode, Peter Hunt interviews Associate Professor Joseph Suttie about the AI used in autonomous vehicles.
Peter Hunt
T: +61 2 9261 1211

Associate Professor
Joseph Suttie
Director of Medical Education. MBBS BSc(Med) Hons(I) LLB (UNSW) MBioeth (Mon) DPhil (Oxon) FRACP FCSANZ
Who We Are
Associate Professor Madeleine Suttie
Associate Professor (Conjoint) Joseph Suttie
Case Studies

Pandemic Ethics
Pandemic ethics considers the challenges raised by acute infectious disease outbreaks on the social, economic, and health of individuals and communities. How do we balance

Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
A sense of environmental harmony is often elusive in a fragmented, industrialized society. SEC consults on the complex impact of irrigation policy on agricultural practices,

Open disclosure: ethical, professional and legal obligations, and the way forward for regulation
Angus J F Finlay Cameron, L Stewart BEc, LLB(Hons), Ph.D., Malcolm Parker MB BS, MLitt, MD, Summary Open disclosure (OD) after adverse health care

Ethical Workplaces
Sarsfield Ethics Consultancy provides consultancy services for organisations experiencing cultural change. Our experience in corporate governance, professional well-being and ethics training allow us to advise

Consumer Education
Education is a lifelong, multidimensional process. SEC provides rural educational training and experiences for children, families, students, professionals in training and organisations. Contextually diverse classroom

Reconnecting with the land through agriculture requires moving beyond zero sum problem solving. Dichotomous approaches that leave the environment degraded for profit or alternatively communities