What we do

Reimagining Ethical Connections People, Land, Health, Healing

Medical Consulting

SCG has 20 years experience in health care consultancy. It has acquired expertise in accreditation processes, reforming toxic cultures and building successful workplaces. We provide professional development, interview training, quality control and strategic advice for grant applications.

Media Consulting

SCG gives advice on public relations and media engagement and social media micro cultures. From small non government bodies to large public institutions.

Crisis Management

The best crisis management is prevention. SCG provides responsible governance structures to ensure the best outcomes in increasingly unpredictable circumstances.

Legal Consulting

SCG provides specialist medico legal advice as well as advice to solicitors and barristers on the meaning, content, interpretation of medical reports and records as well as progression, prognosis, causation and resolution of medical conditions. With over 20 years experience as a physician working in the fields of cardiology, imaging, genetics, all aspects of adult internal medicine including complex inpatient medical management and chronic disease.

Veterinary Consulting

SCG provides world leading professional consultancy for agri business, governmental and non governmental policy formation, event management and crisis response. We advise in biosecurity, professional governance and complex ethical and legal problem resolution.

Rural Consulting

With over 10 years experience working in rural medical and educational settings SCG can provide analysis and insights into the particular idiosyncratic problems intrinsic to rural settings and advice on how to overcome these problems to grow your business and develop positive synergies for the staff.

Education Consulting

College Life
Institutions going through incredibly change. People inhabiting them have different and new skills and stresses and awareness in relation to wellbeing and mental health. SCG draws experience from college leadership on Oxford, Cambridge and Australia. We provide advice and services in different forms. Building healthy college culture in a proactive way. We provide a whole college solution from strategic policy to individual support plans for students in distress, to career advice and well-being support on both large and small scale direct settings.

Crisis Management
The best crisis management is prevention. SCG provides responsible governance structures to ensure the best outcomes in increasingly unpredictable circumstances.

Ethics Consulting

SCG has a deep understanding of the ethical and cultural challenges facing our client’s organisations. Historically reductive approaches to moral problems often fail, particularly as an ever changing society becomes more diverse. How should we frame and deliberate complex moral problems? Madeleine Suttie of Sarsfield Ethics Consultancy has been a world leader in how people process difficult moral problems. Investigating what kinds of moral interests and arguments work in social discourse and then asking how can they be used to protect the morally vulnerable and disenfranchised rather than merely recapitulate and entrench hierarchies of power.